Transforming Businesses,
Our management consulting services focus on our clients' most critical issues and opportunities: strategy, marketing, organization, operations, technology, transformation, digital, advanced analytics, corporate finance, mergers & acquisitions and sustainability across all industries and geographies. We bring deep, functional expertise, but are known for our holistic perspective: we capture value across boundaries and between the silos of any organization. We have proven a multiplier effect from optimizing the sum of the parts, not just the individual pieces.
About Us
AA Business Consultancy and Services was founded on 03 March 2020 by Mr. RK with a group of business professionals from various background such as Human Resources, Auditor and Certified Counsellor. We provide a full range of professional business service, offering a full spectrum of services including accounting, human resources management, training and counselling services. We are also diversified to other industries such as caterings, event management, cleaning and disinfection services.
Our Vision & Commitment
Our commitment is to deliver our products with excellence, providing top notch customer service support, capturing valuable insights of your customers and ensuring hassle free services; all at an unbelievable price. We strive to build long lasting relationship based on mutual respect, fairness and integrity.
This Is How We Started
We were founded
We launch our very own Webpage
Launched our first version of Mobile Page
Official HRDC Training Provider